Thank you for considering Adventist Education Hawaii for your student, an investment with eternal rewards. Your child’s education is a worthy one, and the Hawaii Conference is blessed to be able to designate financial assistance to those in need who are members of our local church community.
Hawaii Conference Multi-scholarship
The Hawaii Conference Multi-Scholarship is available to students who are members or parents are members of a Seventh-day Adventist church in the Hawaii Conference. This scholarship includes funds from the Baybarz Trust Fund, the Pacific Union Education Endowment, the Pacific Union Elementary fund, and Hawaii Conference Scholarships. Awards from this scholarship are determined by the Hawaii Conference Office of Education. Awards from this scholarship are determined by the Hawaii Conference Office of Education. Click on the links below to learn how to apply and to apply.
Click here to learn how to apply
Click here to apply for the Hawaii Conference Multi-Scholarship
Next Step Scholarship
The Next Step Scholarship is available to full-time students entering kindergarten and grade 9. The scholarship available to members and non-members of the Seventh-day Adventist church and funds from this scholarship are not affected by other scholarship or tuition assistance. Awards from this scholarship are determined by the Hawaii Conference Office of Education.